Parenting your Children


Parenting your children is something that is very important within a family, and the world we live in today this could be viewed as a sensitive/controversial topic. Parenting is not all about helping your child learn and teaching them, but it is about being there and loving your children no matter what. Parents are going to run into times where they are not sure how to go about helping their kids, but the most important thing that they can do is to love them and be understanding of them. There are going to be times where there needs to be some kind of consequence so they can learn from their mistakes. From a child's perspective it may seem like their parents just want to punish them, but in reality, the parents just want the best for their kids and want them to learn from their mistakes so they can have the best outcome in the future. It is also very important to understand that each couple is going to parent their kids differently and we should not shame then in any way for that. Parents often times learn from their mistakes as well when it comes to what is working and what is not working with their kids. I want my kids to know that my husband and I will love them no matter what and that they can come to us with anything. I think it is very important that you give your children punishments because it helps them understand what they did wrong and helps them to not make the same mistake. Parenting is all about teaching your children right from wrong. You want to help them so when they are old enough to move out of your house, they can remember what they have been taught and apply it to what they are doing. It is so important to love your kids and to hug them often and tell them how much you love them. Administrating love and affection to your kids is going to help them more than anything else. Kids are going to be kids and mess up and make mistakes because we are all human but knowing that there are people who love you and will always be there for you will make the world of a difference. Becoming a parent has always terrified me but it has also been something that I have looked forward to my whole life because I get to take the love that my husband and I have and give it to other people whom I will have forever. I can't wait to have a family with my husband because there is no one else I would rather want to experience that with. There are going to be times where we don't know what to do and find that we have no answers to solving the problem, but I do know that loving that child will always be enough. I can guarantee that I gave my parents a really hard time when I was living with them, but I knew that their love for me was never going to change from a mistake that I made. Having a strong and eternal family is such an important part of God's plan because of the love and joy that it brings. I am so grateful that I have a loving husband who loves me even when I fall short, and I am excited to grow our little family and love them unconditionally. The whole purpose of this life it is to grow and having a family allows us to help our children along with oursleves to grow and learn the things that need to in order to gain the full truth of this gospel. I am grateful for my family and the family that my husband and I have together, and I can't wait for it to grow. 
