Families and Couples under Stress


 I have yet to know someone who does not experience stress. Stresses is inevitable and is something that we signed up for when coming to this earth. Stress can come in a variety of ways. When you get married, have a family, go to college, lose a family member, finances, and simply taking a test. Often times when we are making a big decision or making big changes we tend to become overwhelmed with all kinds of stress. Believe it or not stress makes a stronger people. My husband and I have been dealing with a lot of stressful things lately, and the more I have thought about it, it has made us a stronger couple and has given us more opportunities to lean on each other. We have taken these stressful times and turned them into bonding and learning times. The world we live in has created this idea that stress breaks and destroys human life and relationships in all aspects. The way we handle stress will determines the outcomes. Stress is not fun, and tends to break us down, but we have to find ways that help us cope and get through them. If you are married it is important to turn to your spouse and lean and rely on them because they know you better than anyone and loves you. Your family should be a place of safety and peace when going through hard times. If we let these stressors destroy who we are we allowing them to control us and take away that joy and happiness that this life has to offer. Finding ways to help you cope is so important when dealing with stress. This is where most people get into trouble with drugs and alcohol because those who partake in them feel that it takes it completely away. this is false on many different levels because their mind are being impaired and they are loosing all control to cope. We need to find ways to cope and help us in the situation rather than hurt us more than we need. When you are married, it is important that you do not run away from your spouse because you are team and they will help you more than anything else will. When hard things like stress come into our lives we tend to want to run rather than face the situation, and that can get you into some trouble. I am one of those people that does not like to face the situation and run because I do not handle stress the best. With the help of my husband I have been able to overcome that obstacle and handle stress in a better way. It is important to know what helps us because when we are hit with curve balls we know what to do and how we are going to get through them. Stress is scary and can be hard to wrap our head around, but it helps us grow and become stronger people. There is this quote that I love and it says, "You is kind, You is smart, You is important" this is one of my favorite quotes because it is a reminder that I am important and I am loved and taken care of no matter what. Like I have been saying, I have a hard time with stress and I have had to overcome a lot, and I can tell you that stress makes a stronger. I would not have learned the things any other way, so I am grateful for the stresses that I have had. It may be hard to believe, but stress is a good thing. 
