Communication & Consulting with God

Healthy communication is important in any relationship, especially within a marriage. Everything we do in life requires effective communication. Life is full of lots of highs and lows and in order to problem solve you and your spouse need to be good at communicating with each other, but more importantly with the Lord. Within marriage if you are not effectively communicating with each other, you are going to be more susceptible to misunderstandings. Miscommunication or misunderstandings lead to arguments and those can lead to bigger problems. You should always feel safe talking to your spouse no matter what it is because they are your person and your home. The world we live in does not focus on communication when it comes to relationships, therefore many do not prioritize that aspect of relationship commitment. Because communication and being open with your partner is not essential in some people’s eyes there are many problems that arise down the road. When you prioritize communication, your marriage is going to stay strong when problems arise. Good communication also limits the number of misunderstandings that come from miscommunication. Marriage is about being a team, and you cannot be a team if you are not able to be open and talk about anything and be open about your feelings. My husband and I made it a huge priority when we were dating to talk a lot and be open with each other about what we were feeling about past and present things, and I can say with certainty that it has made our relationship very strong. Because we did that, we have been able to problem solve and get through hard things that have come in our path. You should never go behind your spouse or significant others back and do something that was never discussed. You should always turn to each other and talk and discuss everything. If there is something that is wrong, you should always bring it up with your spouse or significant other and not someone else. It is sad to watch the people around me fall apart because they did not have good communication with their spouse or significant other. Not only is it important to communicate with your spouse it is also very important to consult with God.  We came to this earth to be tested and tried, and go through trials and afflictions, therefore it is important for us to turn to Him for guidance and direction. Having the Savior be the center of your marriage is going to help you and your spouse deal with trials and hard, life-changing decisions. When you get married you are given more responsibilities and it can be a hard thing to adjust to, but as long as you are talking with your spouse and communicating with God about the problem and what you should do you are going to be taken care of and guided to what is best for your little family. The Savior knows what is best, and it may seem hard in the moment to realize that, but he knows and will help you get to where you need to be. My husband and have been going through some stressful times and have been confused on what the next step is, and as we have been praying and talking to each other we have been guided to what is best for us and what God wants us to do. God will give you the things you need to accomplish what he has asked of you, and we should never question that. God has given us our spouses because he knows that they make us better, they complete us, and they are the person we are supposed to spend the rest of our lives with. We should always cherish and work hard in your marriage because it is one of the greatest blessings that God has to offer. Love and cherish your spouse, and let God guide you because he knows what is best for you. 
