Transitioning Into Marriage

When you meet that person that you just click with, and once you both find that spark, you then want to date exclusively. Once you have started dating, you then realize that this might be the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, so you then discuss with this person and pray and council with God. Once God has told you that this is the person you are supposed to marry you then get engaged. Once you have gotten engaged you then go forth in planning the wedding. You may wonder why I just went through all those steps, but it is important because getting to your engagement is one of the most important parts of transitioning into marriage. Planning a wedding helps you and your partner with learning how to make plans, budgeting, and problem solving. These are just a few things that are important in transitioning to the next step. Marriage is something that takes work from both sides, and when you are planning a wedding you both have to work hard, and that gives you a better understanding of how important it is to work hard for each other. Making plans and problem-solving work together in the way that they both take making compromises. You and your spouse are going to disagree because you are two different people, but you both need to compromise and sacrifice things because if you don't you are throwing away the most amazing blessing God has to offer. Finance is a big adjustment when getting married because of the new responsibilities you have, but that shouldn't scare you or destroy the relationship you have with your spouse. Your engagement is a part of your relationship that will help when transitioning into marriage. When you get married it is hard to transition, and that is totally normal, and it shouldn't scare you or make you think that your marriage is going to fail. You and your spouse come from two separate families; therefore, you come from two families that do things differently, and when you get married, you are going to have different ways of doing things, and that can be really hard to adjust to. My husband and I's families are similar, but there are a lot of differences that were hard for us to adjust to. It is important to be open with each other and talk about the struggles of transitioning because you can them come up with ways to help each other with transitioning. This brings me to my next point. Boundaries are important, you can't go to your best friends, and most certainly not the people you were previously dating. You should be best friends with your spouse, and be able to talk to them about anything, even when you are having a hard time agreeing on something. Your spouse should be your person and someone you can always turn to no matter what. The times when you come together and talk and be open with each other are the times that build and make your marriage stronger. My husband and I have been married for almost a year, and there are still times where I am struggling to adjust but talking to my husband helps and he is the only person who can help me when I am struggling. When you are having a hard time transitioning you should always turn to your spouse, no one else. Things will get hard, but those are the times where your marriage gets stronger. Marriage is one of the hardest things, but it is the greatest blessing and the most rewarding thing you will ever experience. Getting married to my husband is the best decision I have ever made; he is my best friend. 

