Selecting an Eternal Companion


Choosing the person you want to spend forever with, is something you should not take lightly. You should know what you want in an spouse, but you should not be looking for perfect because no one is perfect. We all have our own timeline for when we are supposed to get married along with meet the love of our lives. We all have our plan, and we should respect that plan and know that God knows what is best for us. Dating is an important to the process when it comes to selecting your life partner because it is where you get to know people and see what you like and what you do not like. I dated enough in high school, where I knew what I wanted in a husband and what I did not want in a husband. When my husband and I started to date, I knew that my husband was the one for me because he is everything that I have wanted and hoped for in a man. The society that we live there is a lot of judgement about the timeline of dating and then getting married. I feel strongly that is comes down to each individual and what plan is in store for them. That being said no matter how long you dated that person, you need to take that time and learn and understand each other, and truly get to know them. My husband and I pretty much grew up together in the sense that we knew each other before we started dating seriously when he came home off his mission. We took the time to get to know each other, by talking a lot, and doing activities that helped us get a feel of the others personality. We did know each other, but there was a lot that we still did not know about the other person when seriously dating. We both set boundaries for each other and that helped us avoid temptation. It was important to me that I was to get married in the temple and be sealed to my eternal companion for time and eternity, and we both helped each other, so we could be married in the temple and be sealed to each other for time and eternity. My husband and I dated for three months and then were engaged, and then got married three months later. I was 19 years old and was only graduated from high school for 8 months, my husband was only off of his mission for 6 months when we got married. That was perfect for us, and many would say we got married to fast or didn't date long enough, but that was the plan that God had for us along with what we felt was right. Though we did know each other for the majority of our lives, we still spent a lot of time getting to know each other and sharing experiences that were very important to us. Dating someone is so important when it comes to selecting your eternal companion. Marrying my husband was the best decision that I have ever made in my whole entire life, without him I am nothing. I want everyone to find that person that makes them so happy and makes them the best them. Selecting your eternal companion should take a lot of thought and prayer and discussion when both are feeling mutual feelings. It can feel scary, but God has a plan for you, and knows who you are supposed to be with, therefore he will help you find that person. Many may feel that we got married to young, but it was the right time, and we were ready. We shouldn't let others opinions change how we feel or how we do things. I am so grateful for my husband, he is the perfect person for me, and I am so grateful that God gave me him. Knowing that you are sealed to your best friend, is a feeling that I cannot describe because of how incredible it is. We should all want to find that person for us, and have trust in God that he has a plan for all of us. 
