Cultures Within Families

 Families are all unique in their own way. Culture within families is how a family goes about doing things. Some families may do things different than how another family does it. The world we live in, there is a lot of judgment towards how other families operate. We should not be judging other families just because they operate in a way that works for them. Shaming other families for something you cannot control does no one any good. The whole idea of culture is to be diverse and different from everyone around you. Culture can also come from what type of class you are in. Those who are in the lower-class category often times has to work harder just so they can put food on the table, and this can affect how they go about how they do things.  The middle and higher class have more ability to feel comfortable because they have more resources along with opportunities. Class can affect a families culture in multiple ways. The society that we live in today feels that if you are not on the top of the totem pole you are not an important part of society. The different cultures are what make up the world, and without them we wouldn't have different ideas, views, and diversity. When the earth was created, God wanted to have a diverse society, or He would have made everything and everyone the same. When we were born into our families we had a culture within our family, and once we move out and get married, we create our own culture within our families. Culture is what makes families, and without them we don't have beliefs and values to make up families. There are things that my family does that are completely different than what my husband’s family does, and that is perfectly fine. Being married and adapting to a new family has really helped me understand the different cultures there are in this world and how important they are. At first, I had a huge culture shock because I felt that my in-laws were doing things wrong, but that was what worked for their family. In my sociology class we have been learning about cultures and there is this statement that I really like, and it says, "nothing is absolutely right or absolutely wrong either". I really liked this statement because another family does something different does not mean that they are doing it wrong. Not one specific culture is better than the rest because they are all special in their own way. There should not be any harsh or rude comments or gestures to those who don't have the same values or culture that you have. As I have been saying culture is what create the diverse environment, we live in. It would extremally boring if everyone was the same and did the same things all day every day. Culture creates a change in the everyday lifestyles and makes it so we are all individual people and are unique to our own selves and family. The world needs culture, without it there would be no dynamics to society. There can be feelings of not belonging, being overwhelmed, and uncertainty when it comes to stepping into a different culture but is good thing. Without culture in families there wouldn't be any dynamic within a family. Culture builds a family, and makes a family a family. There have been times where I have been scared of culture, but the more I have been exposed to it, I have realized the importance of culture, especially in families. Don't be scared of culture, and don't be afraid to embrace it within you family. 
